New Eden Ministry – Gardening Ministry

20130921_153902Spring is here. All Nation’s New Eden Ministry (gardening ministry) will begin again on May 10 (Saturday).  The garden field is in Surrey, BC.

If you are interested to join, please contact Ken, who is in-charge of this ministry and is a professional horticulturalist and Arborist, at  And you can go to for the background of this special ministry.

2 Baptisms at All Nations on Easter Sunday

We are glad to see that two young girls at All Nations (Japanese) received baptism on Easter Day – Sophia and Haruna.  Sophia gave her own testimony of how the love of God has touched her life and how the Christian witnesses of her maternal grandparents and parents has impacted her walk with Jesus.

Haruna’s parents shared how they see Haruna as a true gift of God to their family.  During their long wait for the child, their faith was tested but at the same time, their knowledge of God had been enriched and their experience of His faithfulness deepened.

Pray for their spiritual growth and that they would always experience the Lord’s love and grace.

Here are some photos of the service.

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Bringing the Good News to Japan

Rev. Shihoko Warren of Church of All Nations and her family have been invited to go to Japan at the end of March for 10 days. They will greatly appreciate your prayers going together with them.

Rev. Shihoko has been invited by her home church and other Christian groups in Japan to preach, to baptise, and to share their ministry among the Japanese community in Greater Vancouver, especially their gardening ministry “New Eden”.

Please also pray as they prepare sharing their vision and ministry with the Japanese communities in Japan.

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